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Golf’s Fletcher Named Player of the Week

Golf’s Fletcher Named Player of the Week

By Libby Slater, Sports Media Intern

SACRAMENTO, Calif. –  Senior golfer Ceci Fletcher is being awarded Player of the Week. Fletcher has stellar play shooting a personal-best two-over-par 74 to finish third at the last Delta League Center match. She has led her to complete an undefeated regular season and has led them to the second round of Section playoffs.

On October 14, Fletcher shot a career-best two-over-par 74 in her final regular-season match of the season, posting two birdies on her round.

Q&A with Ceci Fletcher

You are coming off of some of the best golf you have ever played. Looking back, what do you think you did well and how did you prepare mentally?

 "I think what ultimately lead me to play my best round ever was going into it with minimal stress and just focusing on having fun. Of course I try to do that every time I play, but knowing that I was playing my last regular season match made me strive to have fun even more. Mentally this made me much more calm and relaxed as I played which I think is what made me so successful that day. "

Coming towards the end of the season what are you working on?

"As the golf team enters into our post-season matches, I really just am focused on doing my part to get the team as far as possible in playoffs. There have been a few instances this season that have demonstrated to the team that each and every individual stroke matters for all of us, so I want to make it a point to treat every stroke the same as I am playing". 

What is your favorite thing about the golf team?

"My favorite thing about the golf team is how it has brought together and bonded me with people I now consider family. I have been playing this sport for the majority of my life, and it's not the most common sport to play, especially among girls. But when I entered high school and joined the golf team, I instantly connected with an amazing group of girls who share the same love and passion that I have for golf, and from that moment on I gained so many more special friendships that I know will last a lifetime."

Are you looking to play in college? 

"Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be continuing my golf career in college. I plan on focusing more on my studies next year, but I do know that I will continue playing golf with my family and friends as a way to spend time with them and have fun!"

We asked Fletcher for any last words she had to say about her team, coaches, or anything about golf and this was her response.

"I just want to give a shoutout to every single one of my teammates, thank you guys for making my last high school golf season the best one yet. And to Coach Kelli and Coach Chloe, both of you have truly had such an impact on my life this year, and I cannot thank the two of you enough for only expanding my love for golf more. The amount of respect I have for you two is out of this world, and I want you guys to know that I am so grateful to have had you for coaches my last year here."