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Get to Know: Volleyball's #2 Suzanne Salazar

Get to Know: Volleyball's #2 Suzanne Salazar
What is the mood of the team heading into tonight's match?
"We are looking forward to a really good game. We are focusing on working together as a team and not as individuals."
How have you got better as a player this season?
"I definitely have got better at defense and knowing where to go for the hitters."
What has been your favorite part of being on the varsity?
"My favorite part is being with my close friends and making great memories."
How important is home court and having the home support?
"It is definitely important for our classmates and friends and family to come support to get as much energy in the gym to show PG we are here to fight."
What is your favorite thing about Homecoming Week?
"Sports Day and dancing for the rally on Friday."
Why is the junior class going to be the winner of Homecoming?
"We have put a lot of time and effort into Homecoming prep and making sure our skit and dance go along together. We want to represent the sisterhood."
If you could live in a book, TV show or movie, where would you live: High School Musical.
What is your greatest achievement: Making varsity volleyball.
If you could have one superpower: Omnipotent.
If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future: Future.
What is the concert you want to see: Bruno Mars.
What teacher has inspired you the most: Mr. Pitton.
What is your favorite holiday: Christmas.
If you could trade places for a day with one person: Zendaya.
Hero: My mom.
What is on your Bucket List:  Traveling the world.


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