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Get to Know: Soccer’s #14 Taylore Givens

How has your first season on varsity going?
"It definitely was an adjustment at first. I really like it now."

How have you got better over the course of the season?
"I have got better with my aggressiveness and communication. I have been forced to communicate and it been really good building up those skills. I have focused on the positive and never giving up."

How fun was it to contribute a goal in the Davis game?
"It was awesome, on top of the world and flying high. After the game my parents did not see it. My mom did not have her glasses on. She did not realize I had scored until we were driving in the car. Then we texted my dad and everything. It was a funny story."

What are your goals for the season?
"I want to become a leader, help contribute and definitely become a stronger player and help unify the team."

What is your soccer story?
"I started playing kinda late in the fifth grade. I remember my first practice like it was yesterday. It was super scary because all the girls are really good. It took a lot of hard work. I have always wanted to keep getting better and better."

Is there a story behind the interesting spelling of your name?
"My mom and dad were going through baby books and they saw it as a unique name. It was on my birth certificate. But a month after they stopped spelling it that way and dropped the "e" because people would say my name wrong (tah-lori). They would have to correct people. I did not know there was an e on my name until the fourth grade."

What do you see for you and your teammates as the season goes along?
"I think we are definitely continuing growing. We have had a lot of injuries so we are getting people back and building up. I see good things on the horizon and lots of success."

If you could live in a book, TV show or movie, where would you live: X Men (so I could be a superhero).
What animal best represents you: Cheetah.
What is your Greatest Achievement: Completing the IB program in middle school and maintaining high academics.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be: To be invisible.
If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future: Future.
What's the concert you want to see: Rihanna.
What teacher has inspired you the most: Fifth grade teacher Ms. Harris.
Favorite Holiday: Halloween.
If you won the lottery, what would you buy: Car.
Favorite Olympic athlete: Alyson Felix.
Celebrity you would like to meet: Beyonce.
What's your favorite dinner: Vietnamese food.
Hero: Zendaya.
What is on your Bucket List: Travel to Africa.

2018 Soccer Team Highlights
February 27, 2018 2018 Soccer Team Highlights