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Swimming Team Optional Workouts

Swimming Team Optional Workouts

St. Francis Swimming Coach Adriana Contreras has been posting workouts for her team during this difficult time. Here is a breakdown of the workouts if you are looking for direction in staying active:

Workout #1

2x (4x if "Advanced")
50 Sit Ups
8x20 Squats (10 seconds rest between rounds)
4x10 Pushups (30 seconds between rounds)
2x:45 second Planks
3x20 Flutter Kicks
50 Sit Ups

Workout #2

2x (4x if Advanced)
3x40 Jumping Jacks
4x20 Lunges (Alternating legs)
2x20 Sit UPS
3x23 Squats
4x12 Pushups
3x40 Jumping Jacks
2:00 Rest

Workout #3

•Jog Around the block (1/2 of a mile-ish)
-Squats for :45 seconds
-Jumping Jacks for :30 Seconds
-Lunges for :45 seconds
-Jumping Jacks for :30 Seconds
-Toe Raises for :45 seconds
-Jumping Jacks for :30 Seconds
-2:00 rest
•Stretch for 10 minutes

Workout #4


1. Dynamic warm up
- 10 half squats
- 6/6/6 (small, medium. Large circles,) Forward shoulder straight arm circles.
- 6/6/6 reverse circles.
- 3 left, 3 right forward step lunge with torso twist. Or. Similarly, do wipers on the ground (12 reps)

3 to 4 rounds of:
10 squats
Rest 30
10 push ups
Rest 30
20 scissor lunges
Rest 30
6to8 downward dog presses. (use towel to land the noggin.)
Rest 30

Plyo and coordination
5 x 1 vert jump. Starting position in track(dive) Jumpstart
5 x 1 broad jumps(jumping for distance)
3 x 1 lying on stomach back extension with alternating kicks (freestyle kick,) kick for 5 counts then quickly transition into a vertical jump.

-optional cardio-
20seconds work 10seconds rest
2 to 3 rounds of :
1..jumping jacks
2..frog jumps
3.. Burpees
4.. Mountain climbers
If want to go harder.... Add
5. High knee run on spot (put palms little below chest and bring the knees up to the palms)
6. Stationary skaters

Workout #5


•4x40 Squats
•3x35 Leg Raises
•4x20 Toe Raises
•3x15 Push Ups
•4x10 Burpees
•3x25 Sit Ups
2:00 Rest

Take :30 seconds rest between sets and the 2:00 rest between rounds

Workout #6

•Run around the block once
•3x10 burpees (no push-up)
•3x20 Jumping Jacks
•:45 second plank
•3x45 leg raises
•4x30 lunges
•3:00 Rest

Take :45 seconds between sets of each exercise and then the 3:00 rest between rounds.

The 1st round run should be a slow jog and each round's run should get a little faster. 4th round should be 90% effort(should be breathing pretty hard by the time you reach the first corner of the block)

Workout #7

•3x30 V-ups
•4x40 Leg Raises
•5x50 Sit UPS
•6x60 Russian Twists

1:00 rest between sets and 3:00 rest between rounds!

Workout #8

•4x40 Jumping Jacks
•3x28 Lunges (14 per leg)
•6x74 Russian Twists
•4x25 Squats
•3x15 Burpee 

Workout #9

•3x35 Sit UPS
•2x25 Jumping Jacks
•3x29 Squats
•4x15 Burpees