Get to Know: Water Polo's #4 Emalee Lavezzo

Get to Know: Water Polo's #4 Emalee Lavezzo
Can you believe your Senior Night is here?
"It is a little surreal with how fast my high school time has gone. I definitely envisioned a different senior year than what I thought about as a freshman in a good way. I have enjoyed the program. It has been such an honor to be coached by Heather Moody on the high school and club team. I would say she has been one of the influencers that shaped me into the person I am today getting ready to graduate high school."
What do you senior teammates mean to you?
"They are some of my best friends. We are together almost 365 days a year with high school, club and swim team. We are always in the pool together. To know your teammates are your best friends and they will always be there for you is a neat feeling."
What was your takeaway from your Chicago Service Trip experience?
"I loved the Chicago service trip this summer. I was in shock with the way some people live across our nation. It made we want to do more and have an impact here in Sacramento. As I write my college apps and look back on my St. Francis experience, service has been one of the biggest things I have taken away and I have developed a love of service."
What are your thoughts on college?
"I am not stuck on staying in California. I am looking across the US. I have a few top schools like USC and Vanderbilt but I am also looking at schools like Denver, TCU, Purdue. I know wherever I end up, everything happens for a reason and I am going to make the best of my college experience."
What are looking forward to about Homecoming?
"Honestly, I am looking forward to everything. I have not been on this side before. As part of being an SBO, we not only have taken on the senior class but the three others. To be able to help the newer Troubies and their experience here is really important to me."
What would be a great ending to your St. Francis experience?
"I am the last one on my team that got to play in the Section final game against Davis in 2015. I have never been in a water polo game like that since. My dream and goal for the season is for us to beat Davis and come together as a team. I hope my teammates get to experience what I did. It was an honor to be on that team."
What did it mean to you to earn the Student of the Year from the LLS?
"I set a goal with my team of 19 students of raising $100,000. We surpassed it and set the record. Knowing that the money we raised helps local families here with their fight against cancer was really important. My grandfather died from Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma so it is very personal to me."
If you could live in a book, TV show or movie, where would you live: Something Borrowed.
What is your greatest achievement: Winning Student of the Year.
If you could have one superpower: Read Minds. 
If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future: Past.
What teacher has inspired you the most: Mrs. Zimmerman.
What is your favorite holiday: Christmas.
If you could change places with one person: Jackie Kennedy.
Hero: My mom.
What is on your Bucket List:  Travel the World.