Get to Know: Soccer's #4 Hannah Brady

Get to Know: Soccer's #4 Hannah Brady
Hannah Brady is a four-year St. Francis player and second-year varsity player. She started playing soccer with her brother Jacob when she was two-years old. She has scored 17 career goals, including two last season. A few fun facts about Hannah is she likes to scare people (watch out), has five turtles and loves to watch movies. She plans to attend the University of Arizona.
How excited are you to be back after missing time with your concussion?
"I am super excited since it is my last season. I have been waiting and counting down the days until I came back making sure I felt better. I am excited to finish off the season with all the girls I have been going to school with for four years and the new girls from this year."
Why do you wear #4?
"Last year I wore No. 7 and I was thinking about it and thought do I look like a No. 7 or a No. 4. Plus Grace Barger has my number (No. 2) since I was little and I don't want to steal it from her."
What is your favorite aspect of the sport?
"I really love meeting new people, connecting with them and having memories. When you are playing it is a different feeling than other sports. I feel more at home and enjoy it."
What is your favorite soccer moment?
"My favorite moment is winning NorCals. Everyone was standing on the sidelines cheering to make sure we got a goal. When we got a goal, we all rushed to Piat (Lindsey Piatanesi) and everyone playing and dogpiled. Everyone was excited and happy."
What is your role on the team?
"I try to be the one that pumps people up. I am the supporter."
What are your college plans?
"My plan is to the go the University of Arizona (Bear Down!). We will see if any of the colleges I applied to change my mind. Right now UofA is my top school and I want to study nursing. I want to work in the ER."
How did the participating in the Kaiser Internship influence you?
"The Kaiser internship allowed you to shadow different departments and see what areas you liked and didn't. I do not like clinics. I like the fast-paced setting like the ER. I loved shadowing surgery. I love the blood and seeing the anatomy of the human body. I watched a brain surgery and the internship solidified that I wanted to be a nurse and go into the medical field. It was super fun."
What was your experience like being a Kairos leader?
"I loved being a Kairos leader. I really like helping others and talking to people. It was great making a connection with the girls and the other leaders. It is a good bond with everyone and I think it is helping our class."
If you could live in a book, TV show or movie, where would you live: Harry Potter.
What is your Greatest Achievement: Getting into college.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be: Invisible. 
If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future: Past.
What's the concert you want to see: Thomas Rhett.
What teacher has inspired you the most: Many but Ms. Van Houten has inspired me a lot.
If you could trade places with one person, who would you trade with: My Dad.
Favorite Holiday: Halloween.
Favorite Dinner: Pizza (Hawaiian).
Favorite Disney Character: Princess Aurora.
Favorite Soccer Player: Alex Morgan.
Hero: My Family.
Bucket List: Go to Greece.