Get to Know: Basketball's #11 Natalie Graybill

Get to Know: Basketball's #11 Natalie Graybill
Natalie Graybill is in her first full season on the varsity team. She had a varsity single-game best six points against PG after averaging 6.7 ppg. last season on JV Gold. She played competitive soccer up until freshman year and has an older sister alumna Adrienne '18. She part of the National Charity League in her free time.
How is junior season going?
"It is going pretty good. Playing on the team is really fun. We are doing pretty well this season."
What drove you to the sport of basketball?
"I like the competitiveness and the fast pace. There is always something going on that you have to pay attention to and action is always moving."
What do you see as your role on the team this year?
"I see myself as someone who comes in if someone needs water or a break and doing my best when I get those minutes. I try not to put pressure on myself to not fail but to always try my hardest."
What did you learn from your sister during your year together on campus?
"It was really fun. She guided me on what to do, what clubs I could get involved in and what teachers are good to get. She was always telling me to work hard in everything I do."
What are your goals for the rest of the season?
"For the team, we want to win the Delta League. Today's game will help determine it. Individually I want to keep working hard to do the best I can do."
What is your strengths on the court?
"My best weapon is driving to the basket and creating opportunities. It is also fun to shoot the threes."
What is something you have learned from Coach to help your game this season?
"I have learned that not everything is going to come easy and you have to keep working. It is important to not just see goals for yourself but everyone. Even though you may not know your role, it can always change. You can get into a new role."
What is your message to the seniors as they finish out their final games?
"I am going to miss them. Keep working hard and get the win."
If you could live in a book, TV show or movie, where would you live: Now You See Me.
What is your Greatest Achievement: Making the varsity basketball team.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be: Teleportation.
If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future: Past.
What's the concert you want to see: Billy Eilish.
What teacher has inspired you the most: Ms. Flaata.
If you could trade places with one person, who would you trade with: Steph Curry.
Favorite Holiday: Christmas.
Favorite Dinner: Pasta.
Favorite Basketball Player: Steph Curry.
Hero: My Grandpa.
Bucket List: Travel to France and England.