Get to Know: Basketball's #20 Gabi Lopez

Get to Know: Basketball's #20 Gabi Lopez
Gabi Lopez is in her fourth season in the St. Francis basketball program and second on the varsity unit. She had a season-high eight points against Pleasant Grove last season. She will celebrate her 18th birthday in Arizona next week.
How is the season going?
"It is going really good so far. We are doing better than I expected. We played at St. Mary's, the fourth-ranked team in the nation and we beat them. It was really impressive and good. We have been working hard and doing our best at what we do."
What has it meant to you to be part of the St. Francis basketball program?
"It has meant a lot to me since I have been playing basketball since the first grade. I never really thought I would continue through high school so it has been a big deal to me that I am still here."
How about playing still with your Sacred Heart pals?
"We are all still really close and used to how we each play. It is good."
What has been your favorite memory?
"Holy Hoops my freshman year is my favorite memory. Coach Heather drew up a play for us and I completely blanked on what I was supposed to do. There were only a few seconds left so I just grabbed the ball and threw it up from half court and made it."
What do like to do away from basketball?
"I like to hang out with my friends. We will go on road trips, play Laser Tag or go on the Screamer at Scandia."
What are your goals/dreams for college?
"I do not have a set dream. I would like to stay in California. I have applied to all the state and UC schools and I am thinking of applying to a few more. I am not quite sure what I want to do."
What are your goals for the basketball season?
"My goal for this season is to work hard in every game and practice, while also having fun. Hopefully, it will help us win state. That is the goal to win state."
We have Holy Hoops at home and another Golden I game. What are you looking forward to about those events?
"I am looking forward to the competition in the big games. I love it when everyone comes to watch us. It is fun to have the competition."
Why do you wear #20?
"I wanted to be #22 (December 22 is her borthdayt) because it is my birthday so I switched to #20 because it was the closest."
If you could live in a book, TV show or movie, where would you live: Bobs Burgers.
What animal best represents you: Panda.
What is your Greatest Achievement: Working hard and keeping commitments.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be: Time Travel.
If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future: Past.
What's the concert you want to see: Migos.
What teacher has inspired you the most: Mrs. Zhovinsky.
Favorite Holiday: Christmas.
Favorite Olympic athlete: Michael Phelps.
Favorite Disney Character: Stitch.
Celebrity You Would Like to Meet: Lonzo Ball.
What's your favorite dinner: Lasagna.
Hero: My mom.
What is on your Bucket List: To be a famous blogger.