Get to Know: Basketball’s #4 Nika Bagatelos

Get to Know: Basketball’s #4 Nika Bagatelos

How fun was it to drain some threes at the Golden 1 Center?
"It was super fun. I was nervous because of the depth perception. Once we got warmed up I was good."

Has hitting the long shots always been your favorite thing to do on a basketball court?
"When I was in middle school, I was the point guard and Lauren (Pank) was the three-point shooter. We switched between eighth grade and freshman year. It has been my main thing right now."

How long have you played with your former Sacred Heart teammates?
"Lauren, Gabi and I have played together since kindergarten. Jorie came in seventh grade. We have been together a long time. We also did soccer together."

What is the history of your given name Dominka?
"It is Italian and it means Sunday. Whenever I am in Italian class and we are talking about days of the week, I look up."

What are your goals this season as a junior?
"We definitely want to win league and get a good seeding for playoffs. Hopefully we will get far in the playoffs."

How have you gotten better during your career?
"When I first came into the program, I only shot threes. Now people know that I do that and I have to get to the basket. I am way better at defense. I use to be not be able to guard anyone and now I can guard some people."

What is your favorite message from Coach Pitton?
"My favorite message is the Faith over Fear the year we went to state Even when you are playing the top teams in the country, you cannot be afraid of them and play your game."

If you could live in a book, TV show or movie, where would you live: One Tree Hill.
What animal best represents you: Dolphin.
What is your Greatest Achievement: Varsity as a freshman.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be: Fly.
If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future: Past.
What's the concert you want to see: Sam Hunt.
What teacher has inspired you the most: Mr. Williams.
Favorite Holiday: Christmas.
If you won the lottery, what would you buy: House in Los Angeles.
Favorite Olympic athlete: Gabi Douglas.
Celebrity you would like to meet: Zac Efron.
What's your favorite dinner: Spaghetti and meatballs.
Hero: My dad.
What is on your Bucket List: Get out of the country.